
(...) Ulrich Müller und Siegfried Rössert, accompanied by trombone player Sebi Tramontana and drummer Wolfram Winkel. (...) Wild like John Zorn, delicate as distant signals from a busy phoneline, brute and urban bluring the borders between improvisation and extreme structure.
(Süddeutsche Zeitung)

(...) 48nord replaced Kraftwerk, Bowie und Byrne by laptops, sensors and data gloves. (…) Performers as well as listeners eavesdroped like detectivs. Congratulations 48nord!
(Süddeutsche Zeitung)

(...) 48nord bundle their improvisation and compositional talents into a incisive rhythmical speech and sound arrangement. (…) Metallically electrical sounds, that storm out of contrary stereo positions, open and structure wide areas. (…) Double-bass motives and guitar riffs structure the rhythm of the composition. (...)
(Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)

(,,,)New technologie met virtuosity.

(...) Experimental music at its best (...)
(Saarbrücker Zeitung)

With guitar, live-electronics and double-bass the formation 48nord went to the edge of the audible. They met Jeff Parker, guitar player of the band Tortoise. An encounter, which proved not only the musicians but also the audience. But instantly it was clear: experiment succeeded. The listening room changed into an acoustic laboratory. You could have heard a pin faling on the floor, so quite and concentrated eavesdroped the audience, totally captured in the pull of the sounds.

(...) New technology encountered virtuous instrumental handling. (...) (nmz)

48nord c/o
Siegfried Rössert / Ulrich Müller
Guldeinstr. 35
80339 München